
Pictures Taken in Combat by Various Company K Troopers

Either Page through All 47 Pictures, one at a time, by clicking here

OR, Select Them from the Descriptions Below

#1 Trooper Who Lost Leg Later - Name Unknown

#2 Warrior Rose - from PFC to MSGT in 10 Months

#3 Band of Brothers

#4 Tankers and Company K Guys

#5 A Quiet Trooper on a Quiet Hill

#6 A Machine Gun Team

#7 Lonely Soldier

#8 Foxhole Buddies

#9 Herschel Davis - Killed in Action

#10 Classic Cartoon of Company K Cav Trooper

#11 Dawn Patrol with Fixed Bayonets

#12 Capt John R Flynn, CO Company K, fall 1950

#13 Three Musketeers

#14 My Infamous K-1 Jeep with Skull

#15 Two Cold Weather Warriors

#16 Earl Pickett - who lost an Eye

#17 Co K Troopers Clinging to Steep Hill 339

#18 Escalante with Greek Soldier - wounded next day

#19 Lt Dave Hughes, CO Co K, Day After 339 Battle

#20 Platoon Sergeant Ingram

#21 Private Lasson

#22 Bon Vivant Claude Brummitt

#23 R&R in Seoul

#24 Unknown Company K Lieutenant

#25 McDougal, Phillips, and Andy?

#26 Three Ready to Fight on Hill 339 - One Died

#27 Russell Gordon and Pickett

#28 Company K, CP Tent in Rear

#29 Lt Dave Hughes as Platoon Leader standing, using radio, Pfc Lewis on Right, who won Bronze Star on Hill 202, Spring 1951

#30 Pfc Leo Bernal, minutes before he was killed on Patrol

#31 Sgt Monroe McKenzie Ready to Fight

#32 My Citation for Master Sergeant Monroe McKenzie

#33 Gen Hobart Gay awarding Sgt Monroe McKenzie the Silver Star

#34 The Battlefield, with Hill 339 and 347 shown

#35 Only Known Picture of Hill 347 from where we launched Final Assault October 7th, 1951

#36 Four Sketch Maps showing the Battle of Hill 339, September 28th, 1951

#37 My Citation for Pfc Julius Citino for his actions on Hill 339

#38 Gen Harrold awarding PFC Julius W Citino the Silver Star for Hill 339

#39 M Company's HMG Section Attached to K CO before Hill 339

#40 A Few of Our Company K 192 Chinese Prisoners Being Marched off Hill 347

#41 More Prisoners Being Marched off the Hill

#42 Geneva Convention? We treated Chinese wounded from Hill 347

#43 M Company Troopers Albert Field and Higgens after Hill 487

#44 Close Shave 'Chief' Whistler - from Company M

#45 Booty of War from Hill 347 - 17 Year old Green

#46 Veerakenla, Company M - Heavy Machine Gun Support for Company K

#47 Dug In Defenses on Hill 339

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